Book Review: Song of Susannah by Stephen King

The sixth book in King’s Dark Tower series, wherein the ka-tet are split up and sent to different “whens” and “wheres” to achieve their goals.

“It got so I couldn't tell if you were the hero, the antihero, or no hero at all.”
Song of Susannah was one of those instances where a reread proved to be very informative... as what I thought happened in this book did not actually happen in this book... I was getting ahead of myself. And for that reason I understand the complaints that not much really happens in here plot-wise, it does serve as more of a build-up and a bridge to the final book in the series.

There are three separate storylines running simultaneously as the ka-tet is divided, and all feel very fraught and tense in their own ways, but I do miss the interaction between all the characters. Susannah’s strand is probably my least favourite, which is a shame as it should be the most thrilling, but at times it felt bogged down with these hallucinations and the three voices conversing together - it wasn’t always clear what was happening.

Not everyone is a fan of how meta the series gets, but I for one, am a fan of this! Although on this reread I did find some parts a little... cringeworthy? But I understand why King chose to write this into the story, as it makes sense in the grander scheme of his entire body of work, as a lot of it is connected to this series. (If it seems like I’m not making much sense, I am trying to remain spoiler-free for anyone who may come across this review but hasn’t got this far yet) But I know fans’ opinions vary widely on this!

The end of the book is thrilling as everything comes to a head and we are left on an almighty cliffhanger as we proceed into the final book of the series. Song of Susannah is probably my least favourite book in the series, but there is still much to enjoy and appreciate, and I won’t be waiting too long to delve into that final book again!

“As for you, Constant Reader... One more turn of the path, and then we reach the clearing. Come along with me, will ya not?”

4 stars.



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