Book Review: The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King

The Last Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, faces three mysterious doors which will lead him to different times within our world. From these, he must draw the three who will accompany him on his journey.

"Control the things you can control, maggot. Let everything else take a flying fuck at you and if you must go down, go down with your guns blazing."
So it turns out that my memory of the Dark Tower series is pretty patchy - I have forgotten so many details!! However, I could never forget THAT opening scene. One of the best I’ve ever come across - I was so shocked on my first read and it’s just as impactful on the second go around! 

The “drawing” of each of the characters is such a blast. Eddie is pretty likeable from the very beginning, he always brings some much-needed comedic relief to what can be a very heavy series at times. The introduction of Detta/Odetta is freakin’ explosive - she’s a firecracker! Although Detta’s dialogue does make feel quite uncomfortable at times - how I wish Roland had gagged her sooner!

One of my favourite parts of the entire series, and this book in particular, is Roland coming to grips with different things in “our world”. The observations he makes are absolutely hilarious. Like when he wonders why anyone would be addicted to cocaine or other drugs when they could have the more cost-effective and plentiful sugar instead. I’m with you, Sai.

However, one of my very minor complaints is how quickly Eddie falls for Odetta. I’m just not a fan of these romances that seem to bloom out of nowhere - even on my first read I was bit surprised when it materialised. But that’s not to say that I don’t love them as a couple because I do *hearts* they certainly grow on me! So this is really just me being incredibly nit-picky!

From here on out it’s an addictive and exhilarating journey, I’m already itching to pick up The Waste Lands! 5 stars!



  1. I initially picked this up after my Irish friend recommended it. How disappointed I was when i found out it wasn't about drawing trees....


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