Book Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling

Harry, Hermione and Ron return to Hogwarts for their second school year. There’s a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Ginny Weasley has taken a shine to Harry… but the real trouble begins when a number of Hogwarts students are “petrified” and rendered immobile. The heir of Slytherin is suspected to be behind these attacks, but who is the heir? “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” These first few books kinda feel like we’re laying the groundwork for the “real” story, which is on its way and will take place from book 3 onwards. I think that’s why I view Chamber of Secrets as my least favourite in the series. The first book is special because it’s the beginning, we’re discovering Hogwarts and the magical world of Harry Potter… but then the second book just isn’t as enjoyable as I view it as merely a stepping stone to the real meat of the story. It's still pretty great though... I mean, there...