Book Review: The Troop by Nick Cutter

A scouting trip on Falstaff Island goes disastrously wrong following the arrival of an emaciated man, asking for food. This man isn't just hungry, he's sick. Pretty quickly, the young boys are fighting for survival, both against this sickness and each other. "Do you know how hard it is to kill something? Nothing wants to die." Okay, so first of all - when Sadie and the guys at NRB kept pushing me to read this book, telling me I'd love all the horror and gore etc...they did NOT tell me that I'd also FEEL things other than fear and disgust. I teared up numerous times during this book, one part involving a turtle (it'll make sense if you've read this) and then I got emotional about the storyline surrounding the actual boys themselves. I did not sign up for this! But I loved it. Cutter really brought these characters to life and I was there with them every step of the way, through all the horror and terror... Word of warning though - this boo...