Hi guys! Welcome to Johann's Library...

Hi everyone, I thought I'd start my blog with a quick introduction. I'm Johann (obviously) and I'm currently in the process of obtaining my PhD in Pharmacy...however, when I'm not in the lab, there's one thing I love to do - and that's read!

Having been an avid reader in my youth, life soon got in the way and I became a casual reader, often taking months to finish one book. Then a couple of years ago, I became obsessed with the horror genre, and one day I was searching online for ideas for new books when I kept seeing this Pennywise the Clown pop up. I was intrigued...went online to Amazon and ordered IT by Stephen King. The rest, as they say, is history...

I devoured IT and fell in love with King's style of writing. It felt like he was writing just for me - and I think that's pretty special when you find that in an author. I had only finished IT when I jumped online to order even more King books. Quickly I decided that I wanted to embark on a mission. I wanted to read EVERYTHING King had ever written! First, the books must be bought. I completed my collection in 2016 and am currently in the process of upgrading a few remaining paperbacks to hardbacks - because hardbacks are just book porn, am I right? Now I'm making my way through his entire bibliography and have read over 30 of his books - quite impressive given that I also have  undertaken the massive task of completing a PhD in Pharmacy. But reading is my release, my way of escaping from test tubes and bacteria and organic chemistry... It's the perfect stress-reliever.

I somehow fell into bookstagramming on instagram, introducing others to my King journey and chatting with like-minded Constant Readers. My best friend said to me "Why don't you start a blog?" and I thought "Why? Who the hell would wanna listen to my ramblings?" but given my following on instagram, I began to realise that plenty of people cared what I think! And here we are...my very first blog and my very first blog post. I intend to use this blog to review King books and other books I happen to fall in love with. Join me and subscribe to my posts to keep up-to-date!



  1. This is fantastic, Johann! Gorgeous blog! I'm so excited to read more from you on here! :)


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