Book Review: You Let Me In by Lucy Clarke

Nothing has felt right since Elle rented out her house to a family through Airbnb. Since coming home from her vacation in France, she feels like she is being watched... “I am no trespasser, I remind myself. You let me in.” Some of the lessons I learnt whilst reading this book: - drinking and driving after one or two large glasses of wine is okay apparently (sidebar: IT IS NOT) - noting all your passwords in one location is a great idea (again: it is NOT) - it might be a good idea to visit your doctor if your insomnia has gotten to the point where you’re going batshit crazy (it bugged me that she didn’t do this) - it’s not a good idea to constantly post clues suggesting the location of your home on social media when you’re a famous author (or even if you’re not famous, for that matter!) - don’t fucking walk home drunk alone on the beach at night - if you have a glass room at the top of your house (pfft, don’t we all), maybe you should invest in some blinds or curtains...