Book Review: Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

Full Dark, No Stars is a collection of 4 novellas in which King explores the "dark side" to people, and how exactly would you react if placed in certain situations? For example, what would you do if you found out that your husband of over 20 years has been hiding a dark secret? How would you react if a a psychopath raped you and left you for dead? If given the opportunity to pass your hardships onto someone else...would you? "Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box, and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people, unfortunately, get snake-eyes. It's just how the world is." One of my favourite aspects, and one of the most horrifying things, about this collection is that some of these scenarios could actually happen. You could very easily find yourself in a situation where you don't know your spouse as well as you thought you did. And there is definitely the potential to encounter brutal rapists/murderers ...